Faith and Practice Document

St. Paul Family-

In the fall of 2023, representatives from our two campuses began gathering for the purpose of establishing church doctrine (beliefs) for the people of St. Paul Ocean Springs. In holding firmly to our rich Wesleyan/Methodist theological heritage, these church leaders have sought to assemble doctrinal standards which uphold the orthodox beliefs St. Paul has maintained for almost 150 years. 

Our Doctrine Review Committee began working on this project in late October of 2023. On June 9th 2024, after 12+ meetings, the committee formally submitted a document of proposed church doctrine to the Administrative Council. This document is entitled Faith and Practice.

The Administrative Council was then tasked with providing critique and/or soliciting inquiry to the Doctrine Review Committee by July 31st 2024. After a six week period of critique and inquiry the Doctrine Review Committee met again on August 19th 2024. At this gathering the committee reviewed all received critique/inquiry from the Administrative Council making edits as needed. An updated version of Faith and Practice was then presented to the Administrative Council on December 3, 2024. 

At this December meeting the Administrative Council decided to move forward with presenting Faith and Practice to the congregation in early 2025. 

In addition to the link presented in this email, a pdf of the Faith and Practice document will be included in the church's weekly emails for approximately six weeks. A pdf will also be available on the church's website:

Town hall dates will soon be announced for each campus whereby our membership can engage with the Doctrine Review Committee on the process as well as the proposed doctrinal standards. 

Upon completion of these town halls, the Doctrine Review Committee will then reconvene to discuss and discern congregational critique and inquiry. The committee will then work to present a finalized Faith and Practice to the Administrative Council for final review. 


Doctrine Review Committee members: Walt Brehm, Riley Jackson, Lila Camburn, Rebecca Pryor, Bill Hawkins, Grace Knochel (joined 1/1/25), Ethan Oltremari, George Duffee-Braun, Trey Skaggs