Sign your 2025 Covenant Below!

This covenant is completely confidential!

Thank you for engaging in the 

We know there was a great deal of material (and math!) to absorb as you reviewed the 1.5% MOVEMENT details and instructions. As you can see, this is a long range stewardship campaign, and your willingness to take a new step in generosity is a point of celebration! We pray this new step in generosity leads your household to a greater awareness of Christ's presence in your lives as well as a greater understanding of what it means to see the world through the eyes of Jesus.

Your 2025 generosity covenant will serve to further the Kingdom through the mission and ministry of St. Paul. I invite you to sign your household name(s) below as a way of celebrating these new steps while solidifying your 2025 generosity. 

  • In the event you've already reached a tithe of your household income: THANK YOU!  Please include your household name(s) on this list as we celebrate God's movement of sacrificial giving in our faith community!

  • If you prefer signing a covenant card and then placing it at the altar, these will be available in November.